Introduction to Sorting

​Sorting is nothing but storage of data in sorted order, it can be in ascending or descending order. The term Sorting comes into picture with the term Searching. There are so many things in our real life that we need to search, like a particular record in database, roll numbers in merit list, a particular […]

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Linked lists

Linked List is a linear data structure and it is very common data structure which consists of group of nodes in a sequence which is divided in two parts. Each node consists of its own data and the address of the next node and forms a chain. Linked Lists are used to create trees and […]

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​Queue is also an abstract data type or a linear data structure, in which the first element is inserted from one end called REAR(also called tail), and the deletion of exisiting element takes place from the other end called as FRONT(also called head). This makes queue as FIFO data structure, which means that element inserted first will […]

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Stack is an abstract data type with a bounded(predefined) capacity. It is a simple data structure that allows adding and removing elements in a particular order. Every time an element is added, it goes on the top of the stack, the only element that can be removed is the element that was at the top […]

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